Thursday, August 23, 2007

roadtrip proposal-IKEA pittsburgh

it doesn't have to be right this minute, but, i could use some funny-named housewares, you? :)

i may be able to secure the use of a cargo van (but SOMEONE has to ride with me!) that could be filled with many goodies!

maybe we could even check out some of the etsy pittsburgh kids?

post here if you are even just slightly interested :)

let's get together and get out! :)

sometimes i wanna check out a new gallery or go on an ikea roadtrip but no one else wants to go. does that ever happen to you?? :) let's list ideas for fieldtrips here and see if we can talk each other into going!

contact smashing with your outing ideas :)

if you see a post here that you would be interested in-just comment on it and we can all figure out a plan! :)

Thursday, February 27, 2003